Recent Projects

Gullah Geechee Heritage Trail Feasibility Study

Island Greenway Feasibility Study

Wilmington Downtown Trail Feasibility Study

City of Fayetteville's Pedestrian Plan Update

Town of Leland's Integrated Mobility Plan

Town of Leland's Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan

Grand Strand Area Transportation's Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan

The LINC Project in New Rochelle

Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization's Coordinated Public Transit -Human Services Transportation Plan

NCDOT's Complete Streets Implementation & Comprehensive Transportation Plans Coordination

Town of Belville's Vision 2030 Plan: Future Downtown Belville Master Plan and Belville Riverwalk Park Master Plan

Town of Belville's Gullah Geechee Heritage Trail Projects: the Riverwalk on the Brunswick River and the paved trail along NC-133


Project Partners

Non-Profit Collaboration